For any burning questions (ahem) or just a few of the things that pop up every now and again- I’ve popped them in one place for your convenience!

How long have you been blogging?

I started blogging in 2010- so as of 2017 I’ve been blogging for 7 years and now feel a little like one of the elders of the internet.


What camera kit do you use?

For the majority of my blog photographs (and YouTube videos), I use my Canon 5D Mark III with a 50mm 1.4 lens (with a 24-70mm on hand just in case). It is my absolute go-to for pretty much everything, and I edit on Photoshop with various presets. For vlogging I use an Olympus Pen-F Compact, which is a little powerhouse and a total gem for beautiful crisp shots.


Who takes your photos?

For any photos I’m not in, I take them all myself. If however, I’m busy striking my best pose, nine out of ten times it will be my wonderful boyfriend Joe (who as well as being a photographer here is incredibly patient and shares a mutual pernickety eye for detail). He’s a good egg (and I’m absolutely not biased either).


How can I start a blog?

You’re in luck! I’ve written a whole post about starting a blog here and made a video about it too, with some tips and tricks thrown in for good measure here too.


I want to get in touch!

Go on ahead! You can reach me over on olivia@whatoliviadid.com or check out my contact page to discuss everything from collaborations, Mary Berry appreciation and everything in between.