*gifted items (and affiliate links used)
It’s been a hot minute since I’ve filled you in on my skincare routine, hasn’t it?
If I’m being honest, things have stayed pretty similar over the last few months. With day-to-day stresses, seasonal changes and hormones that are more changeable than the British political climate- keeping it to what I know works has seemed like the safest option. Because as much as I love trying skincare, when I find something that I like- it takes a lot to shake things out of my routine.
But saying that- I feel, (without blowing my own trumpet), I’m probably the most informed I’ve ever been about my skincare, what works and what my skin needs. Maybe it’s getting older and growing up (or reading a LOT of Caroline Hirons), but listening to my body and seeing signs when I look in the mirror has been informing my skincare choices more than ever- be it stress spots, dehydration or a true lack of z catching. So- I thought I’d share a handful of the products I’ve been turning to again and again daily, using until they’re empty and knowing I can always count on them- whatever the weather…
In the morning…
STEP 1: Beauty Pie Japanfusion Pure Transforming Cleanser *
This is probably the newest addition to my skincare super group- and it was a discovery from the Caroline Hiron’s Winter Kit, and OH HELLO she’s a goodie. It’s the perfect light, oil-to-milky cleanser for first thing in the morning- that doesn’t require a hot cloth but gets off any residue from the night before’s skincare (but could be used in the evening too). It doesn’t strip and leaves my face feeling clean and ready for make up- which is exactly what the doctor ordered.
STEP 2: This Works Morning Expert Hyaluronic Serum *
Although this is something that I’ve had sitting around since late April, it was only recently I really fell in love with this serum from This Works. Being a pretty devoted fan to all of their pillow sprays- their skincare is also a bit of an underdog, and this serum is a total dream for a bit of a wake-up hydrating glow first thing in the morning. I pop it on after my cleanse, and it really helps bring a little wake up if my skin feels dull.

STEP 3: Origins GinZing Energy Boosting Oil-Free Moisturiser */ Avène Skin Recovery Cream
Depending on the kind of skin-day I’m having, I flit between these two moisturising gems on a day to day. I feel like it kind of goes without saying that this Origins number is the perfect morning mix. With it’s citrus scent- it’s about as zingy as a glass of cool OJ- but with extra hydrating and nourishing properties (and oil free too, so it sits under foundation like a dream). I also picked up this Avène number earlier this year during a particularly dry skin spell, and it’s absolutely unrivalled for recovering flakiness and bringing back balance to otherwise parched skin.
STEP 4: Crabtree & Evelyn Buff & Smooth Lip Exfoliant
If you’re prone to dry lips as much I am (especially around this time of year), this little balm stick will be a total saviour before lipstick application. Gently exfoliating with granules, it hydrates and exfoliates gently and is so handy to carry around to keep ya pout soft throughout the day (which might be the most teen-girl-mag thing I’ve ever said)…
And after dark…
STEP 1: Liz Earle’s Cleanse & Polish
I’m yet to meet a make up product that can’t be removed using this stuff, and as my nan and mum have always told me- it’s a real good ‘un. I know I’ve waxed lyrical about it before, so I shan’t go on again- but this stuff is just my ride or die skincare. It’s a one stop shop for stubborn mascara, layers of blush and glittery eyeshadow, and makes me feel like I’ve always done a solid cleansing job (no matter how tired I am)…
STEP 2: Drunk Elephant B-Hydra Intensive Hydration Serum
This is one of those products that you only realise how much you love it after it’s run out. Initially I couldn’t put my finger on why I loved this so much (which isn’t helpful considering it’s not cheap)- but after restocking, realised it’s a serum that not only keeps my skin hydrated, but magically seems to aid the prevention of spots too (this isn’t something it shouts about, but I just typically seem to get less when I use this). It’s great for combining with other serums, and also makes a dreamy partner in crime for your moisturiser too.
STEP 3: Origins Retinol Night Moisturiser* / Murad Hydro-Dynamic Ultimate Moisture *
Like my day time moisturisers, I switch between this Origins retinol (which I’ve used since January and have loved since) and this newer moisturising addition from Murad (which isn’t a retinol- so good for the days in-between). I’ve always been pretty intimidated by retinols (a form of Vitamin A ‘that promotes skin renewal, so is great for anti-aging, fine lines and texture). Thankfully, this one from Origins seemed to be a really gentle introduction, and although it recommends every other evening- you can build up to every night using a pea sized amount- which I didn’t have any concern with (but ease yourself in if you’re a sensitive-skinned pal). If I’m after some more intense hydration, this moisturiser from Murad is brilliant. It’s rich, creamy and perfect for a real overnight drink- which is especially needed as it gets colder.
STEP 4: Kiehl’s Buttermask for Lips *
I like to have a good ol’ lip balm next to my bed before my head hits the pillow, and this one from Kiehl’s is perfect for some overnight hydration. Although I’ve started taking to it for daytime use, it’s a thick, nourishing balm that is perfect for a real moisture-kick whilst you snooze.

What’s waiting in the wings?
With all that said, that’s not to say there aren’t products I’m starting to introduce! Having recently discovered Disciple skincare (founded by the incredible psychotherapist Charlotte Ferguson)- the brand look at how anxiety, stress and mood can all cause ‘inflammatory issues such as adult-acne, eczema, adrenal fatigue and premature ageing’ and created products ‘that work not only on the surface but the adaptogen rich formulas help the body and mind deal with internal stress too’. I’ve been so excited to try their Dreamy Skin* and What Spot?* products- and really inject a bit of oil-loving into my skincare.
I’ve also got Herbivore’s dreamy new Emerald oil * in the waiting, so I’ll let you know how I get on with those too!
November 19, 2019 at 4:50 pmI have been neglecting my skin a little bit recently, so reading this post inspired me to get better!
Your routines are pretty simple, I like that you don’t use 10 products every morning and evening and have some firm staples instead.
Thank you for your recommendations!
Julia x
Last Post: My Autumn Fashion Essentials | https://juliaspeaksbeauty.blogspot.com/2019/11/my-fashion-favourites-for-autumn.html
On the List
November 30, 2019 at 7:01 am[…] Olivia Did invites you to Get Unready with a selection of her favorite skincare […]